Kybella® — Fat-Dissolving Injections



The Fat-dissolving Injectable

KYBELLA is the first and only FDA-approved injectable drug that contours and improves the appearance of submental fullness. Kybella is a substance identical to deoxycholic acid naturally produced in the body that will absorb fat in the double-chin– for good! The FDA (Food and Drug Administration) has approved the nonsurgical treatment for double-chin and neck fat. A study performed by the American Society for Dermatologic last year reported that 68% of people were concerned with the extra chin or neck fat.


How Kybella® Works

Though submental fullness is a common problem among adults, it’s remarkably undertreated. Many men and women assume they just need to accept their double chins as an effect of aging, poor genetics, or weight gain. Even efforts to diet and exercise are often not enough to change the appearance of a double chin. Kybella’s proven technology targets the fat in the double chin to dissolve the fat while tightening and smoothing the skin. The transforming ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid which is responsible for breaking down the unwanted fat tissue.

Deoxycholic acid exists naturally in the body and works to break down and absorb fat. Kybella is created using deoxycholic acid identical to the kind produced by the body, so when it is injected into submental fat, it kills the fat cells permanently. After a Kybella injection, the cells cannot store or accumulate fat, so your double chin will begin to recede and the fat will not return in the area or other areas as can happen with traditional liposuction

Kybella® (deoxycholic acid) is painlessly injected with a very tiny needle to the extra fat in your chin region; the treatment lasts 15-20 minutes.


Kybella — The Details

Kybella consists of between 2 to 6 treatments within 6 months, depending on the severity of the double chin and your desired results upon completion of the treatment. Most patients notice a significant improvement in the appearance of the face and chin after the second or third procedure.

These results last forever since the fat cells are permanently eliminated! Kybella will transform your double chin to eliminate the extra fat and help you feel confident with your lifted chin area.

Kybella® — Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kybella?

Kybella is a synthetic version of deoxycholic acid. Normally, this bile acid forms naturally in the body.

How many treatments of Kybella will I need?

Most patients see their desired results after 2 to 3 treatments. Everyone is different and you should consult your injector to gain realistic expectations for your treatment.

Does Kybella have side effects?

Kybella can cause side effects including swelling, redness, numbness, itching, slight bruising, bleeding, mild pain, and hard skin around the injection area.

How does Kybella work?

The active ingredient in Kybella is deoxycholic acid. This natural bile acid kills fat cells while your body flushes them out. When fat cells die, they don’t get replaced!

Is swelling after Kybella normal?

Swelling after Kybella is normal and can last anywhere from 2 to 4 weeks from your treatment.

Can Kybella be used on other parts of the body?

Kybella can be used on many different parts of the body including the bra area, sides, abdomen, and more. Kybella is very effective at dealing with stubborn areas of fat.

Can Kybella get rid of a double chin?

Kybella has been shown to eliminate the fat that causes double chins. Very often, this area of fat is genetic and won’t go away through diet and exercise.

Can Kybella work after just one treatment?

It is possible for Kybella to work after just one treatment. However, normally patients require 2 to 3 treatments to see the most effective Kybella results.

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